...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Did Jephthah fulfill his vow of offering his daughter?
Has the prophecy in Jeremiah 31:22 been fulfilled concerning “a woman encompassing a man"?
What is my first responsibility, to tithe or pay my debts?
Is water mentioned in John 3 the same as baptism mentioned in Ephesians 4:5?
What is the meaning of the word “Christ”?
Since Satan was cast out of heaven for sinning does this mean that Christians in heaven who sin will also be cast out?
What did Christ mean when He said He would build the church on "this rock" in Matthew 16:18?
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
No Easy Way
Daily Promises
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. (Romans 8:29-30)
God chose those who would believe from the foundations of the world to be justified and glorified according to His purpose. Because God foreknew all things, there is nothing that can separate His children from His excellent love and grace. Even as evil powers come against us, we are made conquerors by the justification and glorification through the blood of Christ!
Where Is Jesus In Your Life?
And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. — John 19:39
When Jesus is in the right place in our lives, our attention turns to serving Him, rather than ourselves.
Casting Pods
Elensky, ready to talk 2022 borders. Lavrov, Macron WW3 distraction. Ukraine, cancel Bulgakov...The Duran Podcast
Weekly Wrap-Up: Russian Investigators Have Evidence of Ukraine Link to Crocus Terrorists...The Critical Hour Podcast
Biden's Financial Triumph Drowned by Gaza's Bloodshed and Plummeting Approval...The Final Countdown Podcast
Alex Newman: Education, Theosophy, War, & Crisis to Bring About World Federation...Geopolitics And Empire Podcast
US Economic Decline and Rise of Greater Eurasia - Michael Hudson, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen...The Duran Podcast
How CHRISTIANS Can Thrive Amidst Coming Collapse! Dr. Steve Turley Podcast
The Neil Oliver Show Friday 29th March
Dog Woo
For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Nelson Mandela
Preparedness Notes for Saturday — March 30, 2024
The CIA Does “Soulful Work”
It’s hard to run an empire these days
Understanding Power Dynamics and Moving Beyond Divisions: Covid–19 through to Ukraine and Israel/Palestine
Interrogating “Multipolarity”: A Response to “Understanding Power Dynamics
Oppositional Defiance
Today's Wins
1 HOLY WEEK: The Cursing of the Fig Tree and the Cleansing of the Temple.
2 HOLY WEEK: Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees.
3 HOLY WEEK: Spy Wednesday.
4 HOLY WEEK: Last Supper, First Eucharist.
5 IT IS FINISHED: The Story of Good Friday.
6 Black Saturday and the Harrowing of Hell.
7 A Mother Receives Her Dead Son
8 Seven Crucial Signs Demonstrating That Jesus Christ Rose From The Dead
9 Sen. Ron Johnson on Why He Couldn’t Turn His Back on America
10 People do not want war
11 Walking The Dog
Look What The Dog Dragged In
12 The Week That Perished...The Week’s Funniest, Runniest, and Easter Bunniest Headlines
13 Pennsylvania Court Upholds Right of Young People to Carry Guns in Public
14 EMERALD ROBINSON - Great Britain's Elections Were Hacked by China...America's voting machines are not the only unsecured systems in the hands of the CCP
15 EMERALD ROBINSON - A famous Chinese general admits: China will attack the USA with bio-weapons to destroy its people and seize its land
16 Congress has issued a new report about the attack on your gun rights.
17 A very curious Crocus video
18 Crocus terror attack: Question more? Or is that a no-no?
19 West behaving 'suspiciously' over Moscow terror attack claims
20 In Biden’s America, FBI Agents Are Visiting Homes to Police Thoughtcrimes.
21 Stella Assange on the CIA plot to kill her husband Julian and leave their children without a father
23 Global CBDC Rollout Continues Apace
24 The President’s War Against the Jews...Biden claims he is a lifelong friend of the Jewish people and a Zionist, but these empty words are cover for a decades-long antipathy
25 Gaza: The End of the Jewish Joy Ride?
26 An Inconvenient Truth...neo-Nazis are not the primary source of antisemitism in Germany today. It is the intersection of left-wing activists and Muslim migrants.
27 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - Violent Extremists Get Called "Moderates" By A Violent Extremist Empire
28 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - Israel Lies About Being A Victim So That It Can Victimize
29 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - Liberal Finger-Wagging At Netanyahu Is A Phony, Cynical Charade
30 The Green King
31 The Green King (Part 2)
32 The Green King (Part 3)
33 UK gov't £8 billion energy deal with French company importing Russian gas
34 Life in a Third World Hell Hole: Mexico for Beginners...A staple of hellhole theology is that Mexicans are of low intelligence.
35 Bloody Knows (or Taken Completely Out of Kotex)
36 Tucker the Spear Chucker
37 Like a Bridge Over Maxine Waters
38 Theodore Dalrymple Untrue Believers
39 Degenerate Art in New Normal Germany
40 The extraordinary climate events of 2022-24
41 The Total Solar Eclipse Could Solve a Strange Mystery About The Sun
42 The British Origins of the UFO Psyop
Health Briefs...Unleashed
43 Unlocking the Black Box
44 Why Do People Claim They Own “The Science™”?
45 Did the Covid Psyop Fail?
46 Surprising Ways to Heal Our DNA After COVID Injuries
47 New Drugs Effective Against COVID-19 and Other Viruses
48 Fluoride—The Poisoned Chalice: In Plain Sight
49 Shocking Extent of Cyberbullying Among Kids
50 Younger generations have larger brains, but is that healthier?
51 Something in Your Eyes May Reveal if You're at Risk of Early Death
52 Breakthrough Cancer Vaccine For Dogs Is 'Truly Revolutionary', Scientist Says
53 Vitamin B2: Anti-Cancer and Antioxidant Effects, Signs of Deficiency
54 Hydrolysis before Stir-Frying Increases the Isothiocyanate Content of Broccoli
55 Authentic Autism, or Aspirational Asperger’s?
The Best Of American Thinker
56 We Must Have Courage To Take Back Our Country
57 Why I am a Jewish Republican
28 The brumation of Barack Obama
59 The Democrat party is a Potemkin village
60 Time for jurors to reject junk lawsuits on climate and firearms
61 Image courtesy of Todd Schowalter Productions
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
62 Biden Condemns Jesus For Rising Again On Trans Day Of Visibility
63 God Confirms People Who Attend Church Two Days Per Year Can Go To Heaven For Two Days Per Year
64 Pontius Pilate Sure Glad That Whole ‘Jesus’ Ordeal Is Done With
65 10 Changes Trump Made In The 'God Bless The USA' Bible
66 Not To Be Outdone By Trump, Biden Releases Own Version Of The Quran
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Wild, Yet Friendly And Free!
1 Giant Farm Dog Babysits Baby Goats While Their Moms Graze
2 Wild Guanaco Saved From Auction Loves Carrots
3 Tiny Pup Turns Grandpa Into Dog Person
4 Wild Fox And Kitten Become Besties- After Kitten Almost Was Lunch!
5 Wild Bird On The Street Raised From Babyhood To Adulthood
6 Young Wild Deer Adopts Family
7 Woman Rescues Bearded Dragon Thinking He Would Be A Mellow Pet
8 Animals Obsessed With Humans
9 Raccoon Needed Play Buddy - So A Puppy Was Found
10 Tiny Horses With Different Personalities Adopted
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 The Renaissance of Our Hearts
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon March 31st — Morning Reading
"With His stripes we are healed." — Isaiah 53:5
Pilate delivered our Lord to the lictors to be scourged. The Roman scourge was a most dreadful instrument of torture. It was made of the sinews of oxen, and sharp bones were inter-twisted every here and there among the sinews; so that every time the lash came down these pieces of bone inflicted fearful laceration, and tore off the flesh from the bone. The Saviour was, no doubt, bound to the column, and thus beaten. He had been beaten before; but this of the Roman lictors was probably the most severe of His flagellations. My soul, stand here and weep over His poor stricken body.
Believer in Jesus, can you gaze upon Him without tears, as He stands before you the mirror of agonizing love? He is at once fair as the lily for innocence, and red as the rose with the crimson of His own blood. As we feel the sure and blessed healing which His stripes have wrought in us, does not our heart melt at once with love and grief? If ever we have loved our Lord Jesus, surely we must feel that affection glowing now within our bosoms.
"See how the patient Jesus stands,
Insulted in His lowest case!
Sinners have bound the Almighty's hands,
And spit in their Creator's face.
With thorns His temples gor'd and gash'd
Send streams of blood from every part;
His back's with knotted scourges lash'd.
But sharper scourges tear His heart."
We would fain go to our chambers and weep; but since our business calls us away, we will first pray our Beloved to print the image of His bleeding self upon the tablets of our hearts all the day, and at nightfall we will return to commune with Him, and sorrow that our sin should have cost Him so dear.