Was it more, less or about the same as any other Easter Sunday? Mine was packed. The Holy Spirit was pulling a lot of people in today. Hopefully the disturbing and twisted times we are experiencing is causing a lot of normies to think about the good and evil taking place in plain sight. Much of our sermon delt with setting good examples in our communities, college campuses, at work and play. Showing God's love for us reflected to others feeling hopeless and lost.
We need to draw people to our side not by fear or intimidation but by engaging in a kind word and offers to help others when we see them struggling. Lots of people feel lost today, unable to trust the media or even relatives and friends. We can fill the gap if we make the time to stop for a moment in our busy lives and offer a helping hand, give a compliment, a word of encouragement. We never know what that person is going through but in a world of bitterness , hate, division, perversion and lies our kindness might be the greatest gift they never expected that day.
So while we fight the good fight online let's also fight evil by doing good in small ways every day. When God gives us the eyes to see someone in pain, sad, overwhelmed, frustrated, or depressed and anxious..give of yourself as Christ has given to you. A compliment, an atta-boy, a smile and a kind word are all things we can do everyday, to bless that person and ourselves in the eyes of God. A tiny piece of God's love is more powerful than all of Satan's army. Give small pieces of that love away everyday and watch how things start happening for the better.
Happy Easter to all my frens on this board.
Same here