I hang out on the spiritual side of the Black community, and there's been smoke for years now that P. Diddy and his circle are evil and they've been calling to pray for them (and they've been naming T.D. Jake's as one of the circle).
It's funny how the Church folks knew all along and the hip hop community is finally catching up.
I hang out on the spiritual side of the Black community, and there's been smoke for years now that P. Diddy and his circle are evil and they've been calling to pray for them (and they've been naming T.D. Jake's as one of the circle).
It's funny how the Church folks knew all along and the hip hop community is finally catching up.
It makes sense. We were told the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth.
So, the people who are drawing near to the Lord and avoiding grieving the Spirit the most, would be getting guided the fastest.