...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Isaiah 4:1—5:11
If you knew Jesus was returning next week, next month, or even next year, what changes would you make in your life and—more importantly—in your heart? Those are the difficult questions we’ll be thinking about as we travel through Isaiah chapters 4-5 and study the condition of the world during the Great Tribulation.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Turn To Him
Daily Promises
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep [you] from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you. (2 Thessalonians 3:3-4)
Even as we are faithless, our Father is faithful to love us and faithful to fashion our hearts to resemble His character. From His great love for us, He is our shield and comfort in times of trials and temptations as He delivers us from the enemy. Consideration of this wonderful promise initiates our continued adoration and worship to the God of Most High.
In Spite Of All That Is Against Me
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. — Psalm 23:5
In spite of all that is against you, God has an endless supply of help available for you.
Casting Pods
Airstrike Iran consulate, WCKitchen. Drone reaches Tatarstan. Kharkov exodus. Siege of Crimea begins...The Duran Podcast
Jack Rasmus: US Empire Isn't Going Quietly, China War, Restricting Democracy, & BRICS Antipole...Geopolitics & Empire Podcast
Moscow Demands Terror Suspects, DOJ Revolving Door, AT&T Data Breach...Political Misfits Podcast
The US Empire Pits the Rules-Based Order Against International Law...The Critical Hour Podcast
Terror Attack on Moscow & Why the US Stands as the Prime Suspects...The New Atlas Podcast
SCOTUS HATES Elon Because of THIS! Dr. Steve Turley Podcast
Dog Woo
For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.
George Washington
Preparedness Notes for Tuesday — April 2, 2024
Utah’s Step-By-Step Strategy Against the Surveillance State
War Powers: The True History of George Washington and the Indian Tribes
The Real Enforcement Mechanism for the Constitution
Did the Founders Ignore their own Warnings on Consolidation?
Today's Wins
1 ‘There are some really strange things going on on campuses,’ says Wisconsin Voter Alliance President Ron Heuer.
2 Wisconsin Voters Deliver Blow to ‘Zuckerbucks’ in Elections
3 The Biden administration’s transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions rule has been blocked in 21 states by a federal judge in Kentucky.
4 3 Key Elements from the American Revolution for Successful Nullification Today
5 Bully Government Bullies Apple
6 Now Law: West Virginia Legalizes Retail Raw Milk Sales
7 Wyoming Governor Signs Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act into Law
8 Wyoming Governor Signs Law Prohibiting State Enforcement of Federal Red Flag Laws
9 Kentucky Second Amendment Privacy Act Passed as Law
10 To the Governor: Tennessee Bill to Exclude CBDC From the Definition of Money
11 To the Governor: Idaho Passes Bill to Authorize State Gold and Silver Reserves
12 To the Governor: Georgia Bill Would Take Step Against a Potential CBDC
13 New Hampshire House Passes Bill to Would Ban AI Facial Recognition Surveillance
14 Delaware House Passes Bill to Facilitate Banking for Marijuana Businesses
15 Louisiana Senate Passes Bill to End State Cooperation with UN and WHO
16 Louisiana Senate Committee Passes Bill to Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender
17 Missouri Senate Committee Passes Bill to Take Steps Against a CBDC
18 Tennessee Senate Passes Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act
19 Tennessee Senate Passes Bill to Exclude CBDC From the Definition of Money
20 Michigan Bill Would Repeal State Capital Gains Taxes on Gold and Silver
21 Laura Loomer declares intention to take down sponsors of HIAS, the Jewish open borders org that helps fund the INVASION of the USA
22 Texas National Guard Retakes Control of El Paso Border – Installs Miles of Razor-Wire and a New Anti-Climb Fence
23 Leaked Cell Phone Location Data Reveals 200 Mystery Guests On Epstein’s “Pedo Island”
24 Basic Rights for Homeless People Are on the SCOTUS Agenda
25 How Portugal’s Right Won the Election
26 The best (and worst!) April Fools' Day pranks of all time: From Big Ben going digital to a bountiful Swiss spaghetti harvest - so did you fall for any?
Look What The Dog Dragged In
27 CIA Cutout Appoints Counterterrorism Czar Who Supported Massive Human Rights Abuses
28 Cliff Kincaid The Attack on the Port of Baltimore
29 The Collapsed Bridge to Nowhere: Francis Scott Key and Missing Logic
30 Key Bridge Collapse Shipowner Could Legally Skirt Liability
31 Brussels Begins to Mobilise Its Mass Censorship Regime for Upcoming EU Elections...This is the culmination of a process that began at least a decade ago.
32 Is the Federal Government Facilitating Child Trafficking?
33 Ukraine - When Opining War Experts Can't Read Maps
34 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE Israel Keeps Getting More Murderous
35 Why would Zionist Israel ever perpetrate such an egregious war crime unless they were being used to trigger World War III?
36 Israel Has a Long History of Trying to Starve Gaza
37 Israeli troops pull out of Gaza hospital, leaving wasteland in their wake
38 Greece, EU Elections, Palestine & the International Order – JACOBIN Interview with David Broder
39 The US War on Terror in West Africa Is a Continuing Disaster
40 The Sahel’s ‘Axis of Resistance’...The African Sahel is revolting against western neocolonialism – ejecting foreign troops and bases,
41 Niger to Biden: Pack Up Your Forever War and Go Home
42 Devolution and the Decline in Operational Capacity and Elite/Managerial Competence
43 Ayn Rand Had a Fragile Ego, Incoherent Ideas, and Bad Taste
Health Briefs...Unleashed
44 Persistence of S1 Spike Protein in CD16+ Monocytes up to 245 Days in SARS-CoV-2 Negative Post COVID-19 Vaccination Individuals with Post-Acute Sequalae of COVID-19 (PASC)-Like Symptoms
45 'Shocking Cover-up': DOJ Lawyers Committed Fraud in Vaccine Injury Case, CHD Attorney Alleges in Motion Filed Today
46 German Government Documents Obtained Under Court Order Reveal Covid Crisis Political Manipulation.
47 Louisiana Senate Passes Bill Declaring Global Entities Like WHO Will Have No Authority in Their State
48 Diabetes Drugs Like Ozempic Could Be Produced at Fraction of Current Costs
49 Informed Consent Required for Pelvic, Breast, and Other Sensitive Exams
50 Daily Practice of Ancient Eye Care Exercises Reversed One Patient’s Cataracts in 6 Months
51 From the Recycling Bin to the Landfill: The Major Flaw in Plastic Recycling
52 How to Break Dependence on Your Phone
The Best Of American Thinker
53 Time is Running Out to Save Western Civilization
54 Have the Justices Been Captured by Media?
55 Resigning RINOs Threaten Trump and America
56 A legal loophole everyone should know about
57 The Batmen and their bat boxes
58 Image courtesy of Todd Schowalter Productions.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
59 Judge Orders Trump To Stop Noticing That The People Trying To Put Him In Jail Are Democrats
60 Scottish Parliament Declares William Wallace Was A Woman After Learning He Wore A Skirt
61 9 Other Groups That Desperately Need Their Own Day Of Visibility
62 Old Fogies Reminiscing About Good Ol' Days Forget We Have Doritos Locos Tacos Now
63 Man Playing Video Games With His Mind Claims He's Only Losing Because He Got The Mad Catz Neuralink
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Where The Wild Things Are
1 Cat Adopts Baby Lynx Rejected By Mother
2 Terrier Loves Little Girl, Fell In Love At First Sense
3 Calf And Piglet Fall in Love On Road Trip
4 Tiniest Bird You Ever Seen Hatches
5 Why Do Woodpeckers Peck Wood (Design!?)
6 Animals On Film
7 Baby Goat Beeps At His Human Adoptive 'Mom'
8 Adopting A Pitbull No One Else Wanted
9 Ferret With Kleptomania Steals - Socks
10 Spoiled Rotten Squirrels
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 A Day in the Life of a J6 Political Prisoner
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
He Has The Answers