There’s been failures on 3 fronts but from a 50k view I’m not so sure.
Let’s start with a few hypothetical outliers. 1.Biden is a White Hat Puppet – Biden the White 2.He is an actor 3.White Hats are in control. 4.Obama and Co know he’s a puppet. 5.Obama and Co look crazy if they claim that Biden the white is an impostor 6.Much like how Trump was surrounded by swamp creatures during his administration. The swamp creatures in Biden the Whites administration are surrounded by white hats.
Ukraine – Biden the Gray has every personal motive to put US and NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine but doesn’t. Is he not commander in chief?
Afghanistan – suppose you’re a white hat. Suppose you’ve stopped the flow of human trafficking, opium trade and black ops funds coming out of Afghanistan. How do you make sure that Afghanistan can protect itself after the Armed Forces withdrawal? Perhaps by leaving a bunch of equipment behind?
Israel – why isn’t Biden the gray backing Israel unilaterally? Again he’s CiC. He has every “right” to support Israel and yet seems to be stopped at – his inability to give a direct order? His incompetence?
Is it biden the gray or the biden the white in office?
Also accessible to everyone any time-those here are truth seekers of the highest caliber. This is my news channel/comentary central.. And yes, if there was a one world gubbermint, it would disappear.