Just a hypothetical.... What if its both? Killing people with the shot controls the rate of loss and eases disposal so that the catastrophies are not overwhelming?
Also.... What if Trump was read into this scenario and thats why he still brags about Warpspeed?
And we knew that the airlines had been cowed into doing the bidding of the government. With the bailout, they become a government entity. Without much doubt, these acts of transportation sabotage are meant to destroy the populace's confidence. Once earnings tank, they will get another payday.....
Just a hypothetical.... What if its both? Killing people with the shot controls the rate of loss and eases disposal so that the catastrophies are not overwhelming?
Also.... What if Trump was read into this scenario and thats why he still brags about Warpspeed?
And we knew that the airlines had been cowed into doing the bidding of the government. With the bailout, they become a government entity. Without much doubt, these acts of transportation sabotage are meant to destroy the populace's confidence. Once earnings tank, they will get another payday.....