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An excerpt from "Lies My Doctor Told Me, Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health" by Dr. Ken D Berry, MD, FAAFP regarding cholesterol:
"This embarrassing lie - an awful example of medical research and medical science gone wrong, should make patients question every word coming out of their doctors' mouths. Neither common sense nor meaningful research has ever been allowed to play much of a part of this controversial subject.
The common sense concerning this lie is much different from what doctors and the media have taught us. Cholesterol is essential for all animal life. Almost every single cell in your body produces it. Cholesterol makes up at least a third of the cell membrane of every one of your cells. Without cholesterol, none of the cells in your body, including those making up your heart and brain, would function properly. Your body also uses cholesterol as the framework molecule to make vitamin D and all of your sex hormones.
Never so completely has the practice of medicine been hijacked, brainwashed, and made to do the bidding of Big Pharma as when it comes to the cholesterol theory and the medications that lower cholesterol levels. The retelling of this lie is so unbelievable that I won't blame you one bit if you doubt what I say here and must confirm it for yourself. I encourage you to verify the information I tell you about this lie (and all the others)".
He recommends these two books for further personal research:
"The Great Cholesterol Myth" by Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra, MD (2015)
"The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease" by Uffe Ravnskov, MD/PHD (2000)
Side Note - I highly recommend Dr. Berry's Book I referenced above in my intro to this post.