GDZeus 3 points ago +3 / -0

👏👏👏👏 message approved! ✅😂😂😂

GDZeus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe I heard on one of the videos where the bodycam guy was talking/answering questions to the guy in suit, that there were 2 snipers in that window (that took pictures of Crooks) but they "both" left to go "find" Crooks. Why would both the officers need to leave to look for Crooks? I think that is their story, so no one questions why neither of those snipers took Crooks out, or no one would think one of them took shots at Trump.

GDZeus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read that if you stop taking statins, it might stop the memory loss, because it's a side effect of the drug. Can't remember where I read that though.

GDZeus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last time I went to the doctor was last yr (first time seeing doc in like 3 yrs before that) only because I needed a new prescription of bp med and I was going out of town & needed a refill, but she wouldn't give me one without coming in to see her and taking blood panel. Well, everything was normal except they acted like my cholesterol was super high, which it wasn't. Said both combined was "almost" 300 and that I needed to get on statins right away. My LDL was "high" by about 82 mg/dl and my HDL was low 60's. Of course, never went back for anything, I'm not going on statins. They can kiss my grits!

I watched a video awhile back with 2 doctors saying that high cholesterol isn't a bad thing, matter of fact they both looked healthy (not overweight) and they both said their LDL was well over 200.

I know I need to get off my bp med, it's the only prescription I'm on, can't seem to lower bp without it yet. I'm trying to lower it with beetroot & cinnamon (along with my bp med) and it helps some but not enough to get off the bp med. I'm going by the old bp numbers of 140/90. As a matter of fact, I watch a video by one doctor that said when he went into medicine it was 150/90.

GDZeus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear she joined TS too.

This "says" it's her official account but there's no ✅ so 🤷‍♀️


Here's a ✅ account that looks like maybe her campaign page - "Providing context. A project of Harris for President 2024."


GDZeus 3 points ago +3 / -0

They were only sworn in as Capital Police from 7/23 - 7/25. Today was the last day. Most likely for when Netanyahu was in DC. They had protests while he was there.

GDZeus 2 points ago +3 / -1

Posted about this earlier...

BREAKING: Chuck Grassley Releases Full Bodycam Footage from Beaver County Emergency Services, Revealing the Full Aftermath of Trump Assassination Attempt (3 VIDEOS)


GDZeus 11 points ago +11 / -0

From the 1st video in article, the officer says he doesn't believe Trump was shot. WTH? At around the 1:06 mark.

Edit - At the 4:48 mark in the first video, when they get on the roof, the other officer already up there tells them to watch out for the bullet casings... then the bodycam guy counts only 5 casings.

GDZeus 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree, it's odd thing for him to say and out of character, I'm inclined to think it was from Netanyahu, though the 5 second video doesn't have this in it.

he says...

And as we recently learned, they even brazenly threatened to assassinate President Trump.

GDZeus 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't know if it's Trump saying this or Netanyahu, however in the short video Netanyahu doesn't say this, he says...

And as we recently learned, they even brazenly threatened to assassinate President Trump.

But maybe he said it later in his speech 🤷‍♀️

GDZeus 5 points ago +5 / -0

In the short video Netanyahu doesn't say this, he says...

And as we recently learned, they even brazenly threatened to assassinate President Trump.

But maybe he said it later in his speech 🤷‍♀️

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