depends on the reader. i jump timelines so am in context a time traveler. if i choose to share that knowledge i would be a prophet. i would however not be a prophet of GOD even tho i am of GOD
No. Prophets receive information from God. You jumped timelines as a result of quantum fluctuations (usually due to Luciferian meddling with the natural, Divine order). It has happened to me before as well as my brother. Your soul exists simultaneously in all timelines but the one that is most important is that one you self-actuate in. I would assume that is the timeline we are mutually communicating on.
Something else about time. We live in a 4D universe (3 space, 1 time). As we can move back and forth and across space, so we move back and forth and across time. That is a natural thing but it difficult for a physical object to do since it is bound by the 1 dimension of time (Past -> Present -> Future). Our soul can, however, move more fluidly since it is a non-physical energy being, of a more heavenly dimension, and can move in all time dimensions (back, forward, and across). It doesn't automatically do it, but our soul is conscious and God is superconscious. He thus directs our self-actuating soul to the timeline where He needs us consciously (i.e. in worship) to fulfill His plan.
His plan, obviously is not just for one timeline. He is God. He governs every single permutation of every single universe and every single timeline. As our souls co-exist in all timelines, fulfilling His perfect plan as perhaps NPCs, our bodies do too, but they do not travel between timelines. I can tell if I change timelines by seeing if a certain mole on my arm is present or not. It has disappeared and reappeared 5 times in the past year, all right before an event that was most certainly God-ordained and God-directed.
i do agree but what i am saying is a jumper can appear to make prophecy by knowing future events from an advanced timeline but still not be a spiritual prophet of that timeline. on a different note, nice to meet a fellow jumper and see Jane Goodall returned to prominence and Vicki Lawrence alive.
depends on the reader. i jump timelines so am in context a time traveler. if i choose to share that knowledge i would be a prophet. i would however not be a prophet of GOD even tho i am of GOD
No. Prophets receive information from God. You jumped timelines as a result of quantum fluctuations (usually due to Luciferian meddling with the natural, Divine order). It has happened to me before as well as my brother. Your soul exists simultaneously in all timelines but the one that is most important is that one you self-actuate in. I would assume that is the timeline we are mutually communicating on.
Something else about time. We live in a 4D universe (3 space, 1 time). As we can move back and forth and across space, so we move back and forth and across time. That is a natural thing but it difficult for a physical object to do since it is bound by the 1 dimension of time (Past -> Present -> Future). Our soul can, however, move more fluidly since it is a non-physical energy being, of a more heavenly dimension, and can move in all time dimensions (back, forward, and across). It doesn't automatically do it, but our soul is conscious and God is superconscious. He thus directs our self-actuating soul to the timeline where He needs us consciously (i.e. in worship) to fulfill His plan.
His plan, obviously is not just for one timeline. He is God. He governs every single permutation of every single universe and every single timeline. As our souls co-exist in all timelines, fulfilling His perfect plan as perhaps NPCs, our bodies do too, but they do not travel between timelines. I can tell if I change timelines by seeing if a certain mole on my arm is present or not. It has disappeared and reappeared 5 times in the past year, all right before an event that was most certainly God-ordained and God-directed.
i do agree but what i am saying is a jumper can appear to make prophecy by knowing future events from an advanced timeline but still not be a spiritual prophet of that timeline. on a different note, nice to meet a fellow jumper and see Jane Goodall returned to prominence and Vicki Lawrence alive.