Hard to know exactly what is happening, but I believe in order for change to happen we the people must see the enemy, and know how to fight the enemy. If not the enemy will come back in power when Trump is gone. I look at the last seven years as a red pilling period. 10 years ago how many people knew about George soros? Now the Rothschilds are a household name. Overall people understand basically what is happening. Some of them have a hard time knowing how to fight back. I tell those people simply spread the word. The more people who know the truth, the less power the globalist have. We are the news and it's up to us to fight back. This was never about Trump and friends doing everything for us. The bulk of the work has to be done by us. Imagine during covid if nobody wore a mask and they all walked in a Walmart with the middle finger in the air. Same with the schools and everywhere else. The Deep state only had power because we were ignorant and complied.
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Exactly !