The contrails form when the air is really cold and the water vapor in our exhaust freezes instantly. Typically it happens above 25k feet but sometimes as low as 20k. If it happens to be warmer up there they are less likely to form unless we’re quite a bit higher 35k+ to take advantage of the wind and thinner atmosphere (less drag=more efficient). It was warmer than usual across much of the country today. Chemtrails(though I think that’s kind of a silly name for them since they disappear quickly in most cases or are vaporized to the point of being practically invisible) exist but they are not being distributed by us at the airlines who are producing those lines high in the atmosphere that you typically see, I assure you. In most cases they are released much lower in the atmosphere to be more effective.
I watched flight radar off and on this afternoon and saw flights all over the place, some were in the mid 30k ft range as they were overflying to farther destinations. I also have a nice camera pointed at the sky. Zero trails were visible today.
Now looking at the 250 mb map currently it looks pretty damn cold up there to me. -40-55 seems to be the typical temperatures at that altitude. So I still don't understand. Why zero trails, not a single one formed?
The contrails form when the air is really cold and the water vapor in our exhaust freezes instantly. Typically it happens above 25k feet but sometimes as low as 20k. If it happens to be warmer up there they are less likely to form unless we’re quite a bit higher 35k+ to take advantage of the wind and thinner atmosphere (less drag=more efficient). It was warmer than usual across much of the country today. Chemtrails(though I think that’s kind of a silly name for them since they disappear quickly in most cases or are vaporized to the point of being practically invisible) exist but they are not being distributed by us at the airlines who are producing those lines high in the atmosphere that you typically see, I assure you. In most cases they are released much lower in the atmosphere to be more effective.
I watched flight radar off and on this afternoon and saw flights all over the place, some were in the mid 30k ft range as they were overflying to farther destinations. I also have a nice camera pointed at the sky. Zero trails were visible today. Now looking at the 250 mb map currently it looks pretty damn cold up there to me. -40-55 seems to be the typical temperatures at that altitude. So I still don't understand. Why zero trails, not a single one formed?
If the troposphere is extremely dry they dissipate almost immediately. I didn’t fly today so I don’t have a briefing to look at, but that’s my guess.