posted ago by penisse ago by penisse +23 / -0

Sorry for the mistitled post from yesterday…

👉🏻 Link to yesterday’s post.

Holy Father, as I was kinda delaying a chore yesterday, I then finally realized how it wasn’t as bad as what I expected. Sometime, also I am reluctant to take an evening to meet some acquaintance and end up thinking how it was much better that I feared it’d be. The opposite never happens: I don’t remember specifically thinking « Oh, never again, it exceeded my wildest fears. ». Which is also something I anticipate when it comes to praying You because I know, these just aren’t words and a checklist of intentions for people I care for: there always is that unexpected satisfaction, even though I believe I expected it. It just always feels better, which is proof for me it takes two to pray: You and me.


Today we celebrate Hegesippus.

Eusebius says that Hegesippus was a convert from Judaism, learned in the Semitic languages and conversant with the oral tradition and customs of the Jews, for he quoted from the Hebrew, was acquainted with the Gospel of the Hebrews and with a Syriac Gospel, and he also cited unwritten traditions of the Jews. Eusebius' own shaky command of Hebrew and Aramaic,[ and his lack of personal knowledge of customs of the Jews, were insufficiently founded to judge Hegesippus as a dependable source. He seems to have lived in some part of the East, for, in the time of Pope Anicetus (A.D. 155–166) he travelled through Corinth to reach Rome, collecting on the spot the teachings of the various churches which he visited, and ascertaining their uniformity with Rome, according to this excerpt: "And the Church of the Corinthians remained in the true word until Primus was bishop in Corinth; I made their acquaintance in my journey to Rome, and remained with the Corinthians many days, in which we were refreshed with the true word. And when I was in Rome, I made a succession up to Anicetus, whose deacon was Eleuterus. And in each succession and in each city all is according to the ordinances of the law and the Prophets and the Lord"

Today’s Deltas

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From https://findthefactors.com/2018/10/15/1252-what-do-you-notice/

  • 1252 = 2² × 313
  • 1252 = 26² + 24²
  • it is the hypotenuse of a Pythagorean triple: 100-1248-1252

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_(number)#1200_to_1299

  • 1252 = 2 × 252 + 2 = number of points on surface of tetrahedron with edgelength 25


  • diakrino:(1) to separate, make a distinction, discriminate, to prefer (2) to learn by discrimination, to try, decide (2a) to determine, give judgment, decide a dispute (3) to withdraw from one, desert (4) to separate one's self in a hostile spirit, to oppose, strive with dispute, contend (5) to be at variance with one's self, hesitate, doubt

Matching Bible verses

  • 1Co 11:31: But if we examined ourselves, we would not be judged.
  • Jam 1:6: But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind.
  • Act 11:2: So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers took issue with him,
  • 1Co 14:29: Two or three prophets should speak and the others should evaluate what is said.
  • Jam 2:4: If so, have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil motives?
  • Jud 1:22: And have mercy on those who waver;
  • More here.


  • Proverbs 24:26: He who gives a right answer kisses the lips.
  • Proverbs 26:24: He who hates, disguises it with his lips, And lays up deceit within himself;
  • Acts 26:24: Now as he thus made his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are beside yourself! Much learning is driving you mad!”
  • Ezekiel 24:26: that on that day one who escapes will come to you to let you hear it with your ears?
  • Genesis 26:24: And the LORD appeared to him the same night and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham; do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My servant Abraham’s sake.”
  • Leviticus 26:24: then I also will walk contrary to you, and I will punish you yet seven times for your sins.
  • More here.

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See you tomorrow, Frens!🤓