For those who constantly keep complaining that Twitter still bans them or censors them, this is a good example of how much red pills can flow in Twitter if you know how to make use of the platform instead of using it to vent and get angry that you got banned.
I got banned a few times from Twitter, used a VPN and got back on for a bit, then got hard banned for a little bit.
Then when Elon took control, I appealed a ban by saying I was just telling the truth. That didn't work to unban, but I created a new profile and that worked like a charm.
Instead of trying to reclaim territory, try starting over. Who cares if you have likes and followers and what-not? If you've got the truth, people want to hear it.
I had thousands of followers before, I was up in spaces. I was here before, had tons of thumbs up.
I don't give a shit about accolades. The truth needs to be told.
Yeah, most banned accounts are bots and trolls and sifting through all that is a pain. Elon probably wants to err on the side of caution.
As for having thousands of followers, usually it means you are being followed by some bots (for whatever purpose). If you have just a few dozen or couple hundreds, and mostly engage in replies and reposts, chances are you are reaching real people and that makes a huge difference.
For those who constantly keep complaining that Twitter still bans them or censors them, this is a good example of how much red pills can flow in Twitter if you know how to make use of the platform instead of using it to vent and get angry that you got banned.
I got banned a few times from Twitter, used a VPN and got back on for a bit, then got hard banned for a little bit.
Then when Elon took control, I appealed a ban by saying I was just telling the truth. That didn't work to unban, but I created a new profile and that worked like a charm.
Instead of trying to reclaim territory, try starting over. Who cares if you have likes and followers and what-not? If you've got the truth, people want to hear it.
I had thousands of followers before, I was up in spaces. I was here before, had tons of thumbs up.
I don't give a shit about accolades. The truth needs to be told.
Yeah, most banned accounts are bots and trolls and sifting through all that is a pain. Elon probably wants to err on the side of caution.
As for having thousands of followers, usually it means you are being followed by some bots (for whatever purpose). If you have just a few dozen or couple hundreds, and mostly engage in replies and reposts, chances are you are reaching real people and that makes a huge difference.