Theoretically, the first amendment puts God and satan on equal footing, which is absurd. The US Constitution must explicitly state that Jesus Christ is King and Christianity is the Official Religion. Other religions can be tolerated but must be subordinate. And stupid religions like freemasonry, islam, judaism, and wicca should be criminalized.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Federal government cannot outlaw Christianity or satanism, and it cannot promote Christianity or satanism. Fed is, in theory, supposed to treat these as the same ... which is stupid. Why would you allow an evil thing like this to exist? The people are clearly stupid enough to fall for it, and those who realize what's going on are very limited in their powers to turn the tide. The Federal government needs to be expressly and explicitly Christian, at least profess Christ to be King and Lord. None of this freemasonic, liberalism religious freedom TRASH.
Sounds pretty kingy to me
You kind of prove the opposite you think you are proving; render unto Caesar etc is direct from Christ, you're quoting end times when He returns and establishes ultimate authority. He never said kill all non-believers or anything near that, but hey Quakers and Puritans we're cool with torturing, maiming, murdering other Christians who didn't agree, so maybe you're with them? Anyway, you've got a false dichotomy going- Congress and administrations aren't stopped from promoting Christianity, they just can't mandate it. It's been the commie takeover of the government indoctrination daycare centers that put into place 'lawyers' and 'judges' that have purposely misinterpreted the law to allow separation from God, and our collective complacency that allowed it to happen.