204 Seattle: Dance Team Told to Remove Their American Flag Shirts “Or Leave” Because Some Competitors Felt “Triggered and Unsafe” (www.thegatewaypundit.com) PUT YOUR FLAGS OUT/UP ANONS! posted 336 days ago by undine53 336 days ago by undine53 +204 / -0 Seattle: Dance Team Told to Remove Their American Flag Shirts "Or Leave" Because Some Competitors Felt "Triggered and Unsafe" | ... The Borderline Dance team, a regional women’s country line dance team, was invited to the Emerald City Hoedown in Seattle last weekend to perform by event organizers, the Rain Country Dance Association. 66 comments share 66 comments share save hide report block hide replies
We fly the Blood Red flag. Bloody flag, maritime flag signaling an intention to give battle with no quarter (fight to the death), along with the flag of the church beneath. Marine Corps and Gadsden are hanging.