I believe God makes a distinction between the sinner which we all are and the wicked. That said, God has used wicked men that changed their ways and turned to him. I don’t hold much hope for old Klouse for he sits at the table of Satan himself. That said not even the contract with the devil can stand next to the power of Christ or lord.
Absolutely- case in point with Saul who was by all accounts a wicked and awful human being who saw the truth of Christ and became Paul- one of the strongest examples of Christianity through the ages.
I pray that he sees the error of his ways faced with death and accepts Jesus Christ as his lord and savior.
These are the words of someone who is a true believer in the God of the scriptures.
Yep! This! I can't pray for ill towards a man who is as sinful as I am esp when I have been forgiven much
I believe God makes a distinction between the sinner which we all are and the wicked. That said, God has used wicked men that changed their ways and turned to him. I don’t hold much hope for old Klouse for he sits at the table of Satan himself. That said not even the contract with the devil can stand next to the power of Christ or lord.
Absolutely- case in point with Saul who was by all accounts a wicked and awful human being who saw the truth of Christ and became Paul- one of the strongest examples of Christianity through the ages.