posted ago by CuriousLurker ago by CuriousLurker +29 / -1

Just a thought as I was reading the linked article in Breitbart. Now that there are prominent demonrats taking opposing positions to one another regarding military aid to isreal, could we start to see the DS players in isreal start to leak some blackmail information on those who appear to be stepping out of line? Would it make sense for the WH to have orchestrated this rift in order to set factions against each other and have them do the dirty work of exposing each other while others appear to be keeping their hands clean on the sidelines? Will the DS FNM (Fake News Media) start putting out hit pieces against San Fran Nan, for example? Will infighting rend the DS coalition (including RINOs and demonrats) apart?

If I were the DS I might start with exposing financial corruption - insider trading, etc, nothing too sleazy, but enough to erode trust from the dwindling number of supporters and put the crooked pols in a precarious position. They'd do just a couple-few to start, perhaps, get the others to fall back in line.

Any thoughts on this?

