"The Grey Zone" Anyone interested in watching an MK Ultra sleeper killer who woke up and is now fighting on our side then you will want to watch. He did a flurry of videos 7 months ago and since has seemed to disappear. He talks about the significance of Eclipse for rituals and NASA experiments.
Straight to business,
This is the 3rd time I am speaking out - I have already encountered significant resistance as I prepare, and the last 2 times I spoke out things escalated quickly - to home invasions, torture and murder of associates, false imprisonment, etc - but now that there is nothing left around me to be used as leverage or become collateral damage - and now there are motions set in place that don't hinge on my survival - here I go again. This time, a bit more prepared, and with a different strategy. https://greyareaoperator.substack.com/p/the-grey-area-introduction-episode?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2