Billy Graham once said, "If God does not judge America, He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorah". What would Billy think about TODAY'S America????
Hypocrisy, a male in a female bathroom disrespects the privacy of all the females. They should be thrown out. Better yet, do your business somewhere else that does respect the only two genders.
Graffiti and vandalism are things.
And in this case, completely warranted.
Shit happens.
carry a sharpie everywhere and correct this shit immediately
Defies logic.
It is the trannies who are making other people uncomfortable! and violating their privacy!
Didn't they read what they wrote from the perspective of everyone?
They are illiterate idiots. Their sign does not mean what they think it does.
Billy Graham once said, "If God does not judge America, He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorah". What would Billy think about TODAY'S America????
wow. I never would have expected this in Cortland. Red county. Great example of the nanny state pushing their perversions.
Hypocrisy, a male in a female bathroom disrespects the privacy of all the females. They should be thrown out. Better yet, do your business somewhere else that does respect the only two genders.
What's the point of having separate gendered bathrooms at this point. True clown world 🤡
Not really, more like the Last Days before Christ returns and puts the government on His shoulders, from my view
Toss is and move along
Woke university brainwash trash.