Video: Bill Barr Suddenly Reverses Course
EDIT: apologies. Apparently a free account is required to watch this clip in full. It's not a paid account, just a registered account with Epoch Times. (Imo, the ET is high-grade non-cabal media, so you might like to consider registering with them, unpaid.)
In a shocking twist of irony, former Attorney General Bill Barr came out Wednesday in support of former President Donald Trump—specifically, in support of him in both his New York criminal trial, and also of him for president.
If you’ve been following this developing saga between these two, this is quite a big deal, given the fact that after President Trump left office, Mr. Barr went on a campaign against him—appearing on many TV programs in order to rail against President Trump.
However, despite having lobbied all of that criticism for the past three years, Mr. Barr made an appearance on Fox News Wednesday where he appeared to change his tune, and said that he will be voting for President Trump in 2024. And what’s really interesting to note is that this change in attitude toward President Trump on the part of Mr. Barr appears to be echoed by the broader American electorate. In fact, according to polling, President Trump’s numbers went up after his criminal indictments.
Shocking twist of irony? Only if you have NOT been paying attention.
Question: Do you REALLY think that Donald Trump knows how to play 5D chess? Or is that just a fancy Q-type fiction?
Answer: Trump and his team KNOW how to play 5D chess, and they do.
Question: How do you get an entrenched, corrupted, old-guard deep state system to shoot themselves in the foot, pay your political campaign bills, promote your agenda by exposing themselves for what they are, to all the American people?
Answer: entice them, lure them, encourage them to create law cases they cannot win, to actively persecute your champion in public, and thereby make him the underdog and anti-establishment standard bearer by their own actions.
Question: How do you convince them that they actually have a shot at this, and to take up what is obviously a stupid and self-destructive series of attacks? Tot run at the matador's cloak? To throw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch?
Answer: have a high profile member of the champion's administrative team apparently turn on him, go on a campaign stating that he is a horrible leader and that there was NO election interference or election fraud, and that his efforts to expose that election fraud are probably even illegal and criminal. (They will lap it up.)
Using the concept of kayfabe as a framework for interpreting many of the narratives being generated by DJT and others around him yields some very interesting insights and/or interpretations of what is actually going on.
ICYMI, the idea of kayfabe is 'performed dramatic conflict' used as a mechanism to sow certain narratives. One purpose is to trick and lead your opponents in to places you WANT them to go, knowing that they will not be able to resist the temptation. In Pro Wrestling, for example, kayfabe was used to get the audience emotionally engaged, via the drama of conflict.
My personal conviction is that Barr's 'feud' with Trump since the end of the administration has been kayfabe for a very specific purpose: to lure and entice the Deep State to expose the 'two-tier justice system', thereby actually making Donald Trump more and more attractive to middle Americans who are getting sicker and sicker of the corruption and injustice and nonsense of the Deep State, currently 'fronted' by the Biden Administration.
Why do I see it that way?
a) Trump has been a long fan of Wrestling and fighting sports, and in American 'professional wrestling', kayfabe was a major part of the 'sport': one wrestler being a good guy, who everybody loves, and the other being a real bad, nasty guy, who everyone loves to hate. And have them perform the fight!
b) the Deep State have been using kayfabe on the American people for decades: "Democrats" vs. "Republicans" whereas in fact, both parties serve the Uniparty, NOT the American people. The Deeps state has used kayfabe to exploit and enslave the American people. Donald Trump and the White Hats have turned kayfabe back on the deep state and have been using it to expose and destroy the deep state, by luring them in to actions and spots that cause them to self-destruct.
b) Either Trump is a chump or he knew exactly what he was doing when he brought in people to his administration. he knew how to expose leakers, how to identify the enemy, and knows the power of deception in warfare, including information or narrative warfare. As soon as someone originally sided with Trump comes out in opposition or criticism to Trump, the Deep State machine falls in love with them, put them on their propaganda machine programs. In that position the so-called 'opponent' of trump becomes a darling of the Deep State minions and can lure them to do lots of stuff.
d) whether you love Barr or hate him, whether you buy in to the image and think he's a DS traitor, OR you consider the surface appearance as a play, a pantomime intended by Trump and Barr to manipulate the DS, the RESULTS of the actions of Barr are beneficial for Trump and for us. Art of War. Sun Tzu.
i.e. Once the election was stollen, and devolution was in place, it was helpful to have Barr say there was no election interference. Especially if the 4-year Biden horror show was planned as the most powerful redpill in history to wake up Americans and give overwhelming public support to the justice phase of the operation when DJT is returned to office.
The DS is predictable, and therefore exploitable. They cannot resist a Trump 'insider' turning on Trump. "Oooh, we've got him now!" And by Barr then going on the propaganda circuit, even saying there was no election fraud and saying Trump may be criminal for saying there way, it became an open invitation for the DS 'justice system' to impeach, to bring all this lawfare, which has only helped Trump in the eyes of the American Public and provided a brilliant contrast to how the System (establishment) treats one who attempts to stand up to them.
So, Barr comes out in support of DJT? Surprised? Not Surprised. If you know, you know.
Addendum: A lot of Q's training towards anons was to train autists and anons to see behind the surface layer, to not be led around by the narratives put out by the deep state, and to not be led by emotional reaction, but by critical thinking.
The object and target of many of the Trump Kayfabes is the American public and the Deep State. These ploys are designed to trigger emotional responses and reactions, because when people respond emotionally and reactively, they are easier to manipulate and lead.
If indeed it is kayfabe, then Bill Barr is deliberately behaving in a way that the Deep State will love, and that naturally Trump supporters will despise. But Anons are not normies, and I think Q expects or hopes that enough of us will see through the puppet play and see what is really going on.
Military planning at the highest precision. Fifth Generation Warfare. Deception targeted towards the enemy. Even sacrifice of reputation if that serves the ultimate goal. And the goal? The destruction of the 'old guard'.
FWIW, I think Bill Barr is a massive patriot, working hand in hand with DJT, together in the biggest operation in American history. And if he isn't, well, then he's more than just useful. His actions have helped the patriots and worked against the deep state.