Paul Craig Roberts - The Great Dispossession..The next financial crisis will be bailed out not with central bank money creation but with our stocks, bonds and bank balances.
Paul Craig Roberts - The Great Dispossession Part 1
Paul Craig Roberts - The Great Dispossession Part 2
Paul Craig Roberts - 
The Great Dispossession Part 3
Paul Craig Roberts - The Great Dispossession Part 4
Save in Bitcoin and multi-sig. It'll be like watching a monkey hump a football when they try to confiscate that
...all that it would take to do that is to turn off the electricity...
To the whole word? All 26,000 nodes worldwide? And everyone with backup generators? I wouldn't bet the farm on it
...a backup generator is not going to restore power to the nations grid....
It doesn't have to. As long as 1 node is operational, it holds the record of the entire blockchain. And it will do so until power is restored
I always wondered about this statement from Trump. And I wonder what he intends to do with the dollar - would he actually strengthen it, or let it fail? The fog of war has me cross-eyed.