my mom’s 83, and she told me she thinks the whole thing was fake and gay
When she was in her 30s or 40s, we were living in Huntington Beach and they found a whale on the beach and they actually took that whale, and boiled every single bone to get all the fat off of it, and it’s hanging in a museum somewhere in Southern California. It’s still there.
She says that that experience makes her feel like the event was staged, because when they picked up the man who was on fire, and put them on the gurney, and never put a burn blanket on him, that his skin would’ve literally fallen off his body. I’m not sure if the two have anything to do with one another. Boiling versus fire - but that personal experience she had with that whale carcass, let her to believe that this is fake. The fire in New York City with that dumb guy anyway
That was fascinating.
my mom’s 83, and she told me she thinks the whole thing was fake and gay
When she was in her 30s or 40s, we were living in Huntington Beach and they found a whale on the beach and they actually took that whale, and boiled every single bone to get all the fat off of it, and it’s hanging in a museum somewhere in Southern California. It’s still there.
She says that that experience makes her feel like the event was staged, because when they picked up the man who was on fire, and put them on the gurney, and never put a burn blanket on him, that his skin would’ve literally fallen off his body. I’m not sure if the two have anything to do with one another. Boiling versus fire - but that personal experience she had with that whale carcass, let her to believe that this is fake. The fire in New York City with that dumb guy anyway