Has anyone ever heard of "Q" being a missing part of the Bible, specifically the lost Gospel of Q?
Many people don't realize that the Bible we read today is not the original version. For example, the "King James version" was actually edited by King James, hence the name. Many things were taken out because King James didn't want his people reading or hearing them.
I came across the Paul Wallis channel on YouTube the other day and watched the 5-part series of "Jesus in India," which covered the years of Jesus' life that are missing from the Bible. Part 2 of the series is titled "Jesus in India, Pt 2, Thomas, Q & Jesus before Christianity." You can find it on YouTube or paulwallis.com.
Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this.
It’s a well-trodden field of study, but it’s largely in books and journal articles. It’s almost entirely left to Bible colleges, seminaries, and the scholarly community. It’s not something that a churchgoer will find out about from the pulpit.
I’ve found that reading books written by people who do biblical studies for a living are the best way to get into topics like this. Look at the footnotes for referenced works to start traversing the space.