Why We Should Be Cautious of Jordan Peterson
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I've learned two things so far:
If you're anything even remotely recognized as a household name, you're compromised.
If humans are involved, prepare to be disappointed, because 99% of the time they cuck out and cower to doing what is easy, not what is right.
Corollary to #1 is when their income fluctuates based on their popularity, they are incentivized toward profitable moves.
Isaiah 2:22
King James Version
22 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of ?
Lately, everyone I trusted to some degree is being pointed out to have rather questionable issues. Peterson, Flynn, etc., all the way up to Trump and Johnson. About a week ago I was excited to see them together and expecting good to come from it. Then, Johnson sells out the country by passing very bad bills. That puts Trump into question as well!! How is all this this good? I'm sick of losing. I'm sick of not having any people that can be trusted anymore. Too many twists and too many turns!! This is my issue to deal with and sorry for venting on your post!! I'm heading for bed.
Thanks for the post. :-)
Jesus will not return on Air Force 1.
Funny and true...
...doggy winks...
I agree with you 100%. Trusting Jesus and his return keeps me sane.
Trump backing Johnson while selling out America feels like Trump Farce 1. You posted the video about the Peterson issue. https://youtu.be/LXzMg9pSZYI?si=oH06X4Wezr-XKMc0 In it, the man says "Something broke when I read that." This is how I feel about Johnson and Trump. When they back bills that help the DS and the Uniparty sells out America... SOMETHING BROKE!
Here is an article that points some of this out. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/04/no_author/trump-sold-out-his-base-to-shovel-95-billion-to-ukraine-and-israel/
I hope in the near future it makes sense how this is "Part of the plan"!
...massive kayfabe operation...
TOTALLY concur with this article. As a Christian and Truther for many year,s I could NOT understand why so many swallowed this very HOLLOW narrative. I could say so much more , DO your own research. ARK however was the last straw. Why would he accept Jesus when he thinks he is the Messiah.
Were you taught to be cautious?
"Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement".
Grandma Dog