posted ago by photobuf ago by photobuf +30 / -0

We all understand the reality of Jesus fulfilling the Passover as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. The original Passover and Days of Unleaven Bread had a physical fulfillment of Israel being saved from slavery in Egypt. Jesus was the spiritual fulfillment of saving mankind from the slavery of sin. The Feast of Firstfruits had a physical fulfillment when Israel entered into the Promised Land and offered the Firstfruits of the harvest as an offering to God. Jesus fulfilled the spiritual side of this Feast when He was raised from the dead with others as the Firstfruits of the Resurrection. Pentecost had a physical fulfillment when God gave the Law to Israel at Mt.Sinai when they came out of Egypt. The spiritual fulfillment was when God gave the followers of Jesus the Holy Spirit and the Law was written on our hearts and the Church era began. The spiritual fulfillment will be when the Church era ends at the Rapture. The Fall Feasts have had their physical fulfillment but we await the spiritual fulfillment to come. Trumpets will be the return of Jesus when He takes over and rules the nations from Jerusalem. Atonement's spiritual fulfillment will be when all of mankind becomes ONE with God. Tabernacles will be when we all dwell with God and the Last Great Day will be the Great White Throne Judgement.