Throughout history people with mental illness had traditionally been shunned from society. These days its celebrated. Its normalized. These people are no longer shunned, and they breed! Spawning more mental illnesses. Further normalizing it.
On the flip side of that coin, folks who would now be diagnosed with "disorders" such as schizophrenia were often revered as shamans after having undergone rigorous initiatory rights of passage (key point, perhaps something egregiously missing today).
Throughout history people with mental illness had traditionally been shunned from society. These days its celebrated. Its normalized. These people are no longer shunned, and they breed! Spawning more mental illnesses. Further normalizing it.
On the flip side of that coin, folks who would now be diagnosed with "disorders" such as schizophrenia were often revered as shamans after having undergone rigorous initiatory rights of passage (key point, perhaps something egregiously missing today).