Like with the covid shot and spikes accumulating in sex organs. The snipping of things and hormonal treatment means a generation of non breeders. Mix in just gay love and primarily adopting ... means massive population reduction.
So; abortion, pHARMA, medial harm, and lifestyle is the combo for massive population reduction over the next 1 to 20 years.
Im not to concerned with the trans movement. Its the thing right now and yes very irritating, but as long as there is push back, and parents monitoring their kids, the trans movement will end up being a bunch of old ppl and eventually die off in a couple decades. Time and science are on our side. I am more concerned with them forcing drugs on the kids. A few well worded laws should keep that in check.
Pronouns are the most narcissistic idea ever. Forcing people to capitulate to a new norm. SMH.
Agreed. The left is easy to manipulate. Once their master no longer have authority, the leftists narratives will vanish.