Christian here...I totally agree with this guy's take on AI as far as it being demonic in nature (basically I believe AI is just another tool of the occult to allow demons to communicate with WILLFUL participants), however that's where our my agreement stops.
As a follower of Jesus (Christian) I am always offended when someone involved in a non-Christian cult claims the moniker of Christian for their belief system in an attempt to give it equal credence with Christianity. All the popular cults like Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and in this case Catholics do this! Catholicism is as much Christian as a McDonald's hamburger is a Taco Bell Taco! In fact I would be hard pressed to find a more idolatrous belief system than Catholicism.
Catholics pray to and worship mere men and women who they term "Saints" over and above Jesus and God the Father. They pray to these saints, they worship these saints and they make molten images of these saints. This is condemned in the Bible all over the place!
Then there is the belief in Papal Infallibility. Again, this is giving a mere man the same status as Jesus (God)! Complete idolatry.
Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Well, anyone who has done even a cursory study of the history of the Roman Catholic Church KNOWS how corrupt and wicked this belief system is. Need I mention the Inquisitions or what this church did to the Waldenses? Remember the selling of Indulgences? Seriously?
Literal books have been written about the evil history of the Catholic Church. Even it's own church Fathers have said it was satanic! Read Windswept House by Father Malachi Martin...he goes into great detail about the outright satanism practiced within the walls of Catholic Churches and the Vatican! Why do you think most of the Priests within the Church are male child rapists? Fr. Malachi Martin explains this in detail! This is from the mouth of someone who loved the Catholic Church, but his conscience forced him to tell the world the truth and he was killed for it!
For the longest time this Church forbid people from having a copy of the Bible under penalty of the most severe torture and death! Why is that? Does anyone think that was Jesus will? Of course was an instrument of satanic control over the people to keep them from knowledge of Salvation by the Grace of Jesus! It's what satanic institutions do...they use any means necessary to keep truth from the people because "The Truth Shall Set You Free!"
His take on the King James Bible is also completely off base as well. The other books he mentions were not added to the canon of Scripture primarily because either there were doctrinal inconsistencies that proved they were tainted, historical inaccuracies or outright doctrinal heresy! Anyone who takes a hard look at exactly how, why and from what manuscripts we get our KJ Bible will clearly understand that not only is it God's perfect Words in English to be used to evangelize the world, but that God's hand was massively involved in it's creation! Just do a study on the backgrounds of the translators that were chosen...this is an amazing testament in an of it's own! So for this man to disparage the King James Bible is just anathema to the truth!
Christian here...I totally agree with this guy's take on AI as far as it being demonic in nature (basically I believe AI is just another tool of the occult to allow demons to communicate with WILLFUL participants), however that's where our my agreement stops.
As a follower of Jesus (Christian) I am always offended when someone involved in a non-Christian cult claims the moniker of Christian for their belief system in an attempt to give it equal credence with Christianity. All the popular cults like Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and in this case Catholics do this! Catholicism is as much Christian as a McDonald's hamburger is a Taco Bell Taco! In fact I would be hard pressed to find a more idolatrous belief system than Catholicism.
Catholics pray to and worship mere men and women who they term "Saints" over and above Jesus and God the Father. They pray to these saints, they worship these saints and they make molten images of these saints. This is condemned in the Bible all over the place!
Then there is the belief in Papal Infallibility. Again, this is giving a mere man the same status as Jesus (God)! Complete idolatry.
Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Well, anyone who has done even a cursory study of the history of the Roman Catholic Church KNOWS how corrupt and wicked this belief system is. Need I mention the Inquisitions or what this church did to the Waldenses? Remember the selling of Indulgences? Seriously?
Literal books have been written about the evil history of the Catholic Church. Even it's own church Fathers have said it was satanic! Read Windswept House by Father Malachi Martin...he goes into great detail about the outright satanism practiced within the walls of Catholic Churches and the Vatican! Why do you think most of the Priests within the Church are male child rapists? Fr. Malachi Martin explains this in detail! This is from the mouth of someone who loved the Catholic Church, but his conscience forced him to tell the world the truth and he was killed for it!
For the longest time this Church forbid people from having a copy of the Bible under penalty of the most severe torture and death! Why is that? Does anyone think that was Jesus will? Of course was an instrument of satanic control over the people to keep them from knowledge of Salvation by the Grace of Jesus! It's what satanic institutions do...they use any means necessary to keep truth from the people because "The Truth Shall Set You Free!"
His take on the King James Bible is also completely off base as well. The other books he mentions were not added to the canon of Scripture primarily because either there were doctrinal inconsistencies that proved they were tainted, historical inaccuracies or outright doctrinal heresy! Anyone who takes a hard look at exactly how, why and from what manuscripts we get our KJ Bible will clearly understand that not only is it God's perfect Words in English to be used to evangelize the world, but that God's hand was massively involved in it's creation! Just do a study on the backgrounds of the translators that were chosen...this is an amazing testament in an of it's own! So for this man to disparage the King James Bible is just anathema to the truth!