What/who is at the root core of this great replacement? Is there one monolithic group we can point to that all of this can be traced back to? Yes there is...
Well it's a lot of economics so WEF is probably in charge of that. Also there are long time interest at the UN to push these agendas. The WHO seems to have a lot of power during health "Emergencies". The long story short is it is a conglomerate of International Government and private entities consolidating wealth and power until they can have control of everything they can imagine. Some people willingly imply that this attack is being done through ignorance when it is openly planned and discussed by them!
What/who is at the root core of this great replacement? Is there one monolithic group we can point to that all of this can be traced back to? Yes there is...
Well it's a lot of economics so WEF is probably in charge of that. Also there are long time interest at the UN to push these agendas. The WHO seems to have a lot of power during health "Emergencies". The long story short is it is a conglomerate of International Government and private entities consolidating wealth and power until they can have control of everything they can imagine. Some people willingly imply that this attack is being done through ignorance when it is openly planned and discussed by them!