This is true. I was born in 52' - I believe we had 2 or 3 shots. Today the recommended # is something like ~70! I realize this doesn't prove anything but when I was a child autism was unheard of. Seemed like there is a collation between the autism rate and the # of vaxxes....
On the positive side none of my grandchildren are being vaccinated.. The COVID scamdemic opened our eyes to the vaxx fraud.
It took the IDF how long before they realized they were being attached by HAMAS? The most secure and heavily guarded border in the world? And I agree with "jackrotten" - HAMAS is a creation of Israel. The attack gave Israel a "reason" to turn Gaza into a parking lot & steal the land for themselves.
Yes they (I) sure did buy the "Zionist garbage". I've been a Christian for 42 years. I believed the "Zionist garbage" for about the 1st 20 years of my Christian walk. Then my eyes were opened and I realized the truth on this issue. The other thing I did is actually study the Bible for myself. Paul made it clear who "God's chosen people". Today the "Israel of God" is the Church (both Jew & Gentile). If you are "in Christ" then you are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise. BTW I also have an Ashkenazi background. My Gr, Gr Grandfather was one of the 10 men who founded a synagogue in a US city. His grave marker is in Hebrew. He came to the US from Vilnius, Lithuania. The Ashkenazi "Jews" were converts to Judaism as you said. They are not ethnically descended from Abraham (nor am I even though I wanted to be).
Does "Saving Israel for last" really mean "Exposing Israel Last"?