Howard Stern made a deal with someone, I'm sure of it. He sold his soul to the Deep State and Democrat overlords to protect himself. That's the only explanation for why he hasn't been canceled a thousand times over and why he's such a cheerleader now for every single Democrat agenda. What a sellout hypocrite and phony. He'd do anything for a dollar.
Howard Stern made a deal with someone, I'm sure of it. He sold his soul to the Deep State and Democrat overlords to protect himself. That's the only explanation for why he hasn't been canceled a thousand times over and why he's such a cheerleader now for every single Democrat agenda. What a sellout hypocrite and phony. He'd do anything for a dollar.
Did he have a ranch for kids or was it the Nappy Headed Ho guy?
Yep, it was Don Imus. Howard must hate that he sees Don now every time he looks in the mirror.
So many evil creeps I'll be grateful to see gone Irish! 🤬
I’m hoping for a Pedo/Traitor Library where you can go and research if you want to know the truth.
Yes... soon everyone will know what we know? The Truth is spreading at a D5 rate!
Stern has always been a sick twisted fuck and you can hear the softball pitch for the plausible deniability when we know what they are all guilty of