Neurosurgeon, 37, and nurse, 54, claim they were left brain damaged and paralyzed from Covid vaccines - as they say they've been 'dismissed and gaslighted' as anti-vaxxers
Vax Injury featured in MSM
The singer Beiber and his wife lost their careers due to the vaccine. Love his music/hate it; nobody deserves to be paralyzed. And they are certainly not alone
Where is the consequence to those who were blackmailed, coerced or just outright lied to?
My wife and I remain pure bloods
#YDAK Your Doctor Always Knew
How do you know its not temporary for them?
There are two specialized organs that do not seem to recover from injury, or their recovery is very slow. Those would be the brain and the spine. Inflict damage to either, and the odds are that it's a lifelong injury.
After a car accident I was unable to comprehend read or speak much. But with exercise that raises the heart rate. Brain healthy supplements. Heart healthy diet, and removing as many toxins as possible from my environment I experienced great strides within a year. I didn't get it all back. 85 percent. So there is hope. Each person just needs to go for it.
Does it matter? If you take or are given anything, and you are rendered (temporarily) paralyzed or brain damaged - that is pretty much illegal. Felony assault is probably the least of the offenses
I agree. I am just holding out hope they can regenerate a good portion of their brain and return to their field.
Unfortunately, nerves in an organized structure; do not seem to regenerate with current technology. This would include the spine and brain. Elon Musk is pioneering the scary gray lines - of incorporating chips into brain/spine networks.
Best case (and what everyone HOPES) is brain aneurisms and spinal damage can be reversed. Traumatic brain injury can be "fixed".
Worst case - it's just a more intrusive type of mind control. But, as is everything else - a gun, nuclear reaction, hammer or knife is neither good nor is it evil. It all depends on how it's being used. Cheap reliable nuclear power - or a weapon, as an example.