...Rube Goldberg school of law....
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OMG, that's hilarious. I love love love Rheu Goldbergs. I wish I was smart enough to bulld one. Its like those people who build elaborate dominoes art. It is so awesome. I suspect Braggs is not even smart enough to figure out how to get it started.
I believe that this fellow's retirement, will not be what he thought it would be. Confiscating the funds of those engaged in political corruption, and so forth.
...soap on a rope would be a thoughtful gift...
And much shorter than the rope that ends it.
They used to have this engineering event based on a simple task being operated by complexity. Great minds wasting energy on things they should not, but still fun to partake in. I was part of two wins and five losses. Not bad since the point was to be retarded. That was many years ago and why I started to wake the fk up.
...you have to be very intelligent to "act stupid"...
...doggy winks....
No shit. Hence our current reality. I could change a couple factors but it wouldn't be worth it in the long run. Better that humanity wake up from their slumber. Wish I could help, but most are connected to the central narrative.
...one does what can be done when the opportunity presents itself...