Go to you're favorite translator, select from Latin to English and enter "sci enti fic"
I've tried it in translate.com and Google translate,
Fauci was correct, doubting him is doubting fiction, and trust the fiction.
Just saw this on a podcast, found it interesting. Peculiarly interesting...
I am still amazed to this day...with the amount of information at our fingertips that people have lost all interest in being curious...everybody wants an instant short recap of videos because they say they dont have the time...its bullshit...they have time to be on sites like this for hours in their day...but too damn lazy to go learn history...history teaches all we need to know even if some of it is a little off base...most of it is correct depending on the sources...just discriminate a little better where you get it from..
case and point...where the swastika originated...the germans used it but it was never theirs to begin with...
it means enlightenment...which most humans need these days.