Before Q there was Pizzagate, and before Pizzagate took off, there was v/pizzagate3 on Voat.
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I sincerely believe pizzagate was a pre-Q White Hat operation to figure out what would happen to Q type info on the internet. Where would "they" successfully squash the coms and research? Where would the pre-Q annons on various parts of the internet successfully stop "they" from squashing it?
Those two places were the rather well known chans, and the less well known Voat, where team Q sent the newly minted Q-annons after the Great Awakening subreddit got banned.
Before any large scale military operation certain people have to go in first and carry out their missions before anyone is really looking for it. That had to be done in this case as well. Voat is a lot more important than most people realize. It's importance is beyond pizzagate, or being the place team Q sent you after reddit.
You can look it up yourselves, but there was one website the chans raided where it not only didn't work, the original members didn't even realize it happened. That site was Voat. At Voat we figured out how the internet worked, how to make trends happen on mainstream social media. We even figured out how to sway the chans without them realizing it.
Why do you think the chans were chosen as the Q platform? Who were they watching before they chose that?
It's important to remember that the cause for pizzagate research in the first place was wikileaks. If it were not for Assange & Rich providing the DNC emails, pizzagate and spirit cooking research wouldn't have gone mainstream, at least not in 2016 anyway.
So do you think Q/WH were working with Assange or Rich? Personally I don't think so. Wikileaks became compromised a few months afterwards according to Assange.
Now both players and the topics at hand were definitely being utilized and steered by the good guys, but the book is still open on to how it all shakes out in the normie public sphere of info.
This shit is so big and has so many people involved that it wouldn't surprise me to find out wikileaks was part of the wh plan. Insiders become key in 5th generation warfare.
The plan was to show everyone the truth. There have been insiders who have wanted to do the Q plan for thousands of years. But they couldn't...until they had someone who could show it to the masses.
Part of the control structure we're fighting is fame. Fame is controlled by the people we're fighting. With fame comes power. That's why they've always had to control fame.
What if someone was offered fame, but declined it? That would be the moment of opportunity good insiders needed to expose the control system.
Because that person, left to their own devices, would be able to achieve fame outside of "their" control. He'd be a loose cannon and "they" couldn't have that. So "they" would do everything "they" could to control that person.
So what if that person was known to military intelligence? How wouldn't they be, military intelligence would know who that person is before that person would.
The WH's would have to contact this person, or else that person would have no chance. If the WH's didn't work with this person, "they" would use all their tricks to control him and he'd still be their pawn even if that guy didn't want to.
So...that guy says "Let them do what they always do to guys like me, but let the whole world see it. Let the whole world understand it." And thus the Q plan was born.
What would you say some of the main Q themes are? Pedophilia, child abuse, mkultra type shit...? All the things that guy would have been subjected to, in order to control him, and now, because of Q, the whole world understands it.
That's why I had to do v/pizzagate3.
Do some research on v/pizzagate3, my username, and Q, and you'll start to understand why any of this happened.