posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +26 / -0


The tonal opposite of the company's most famous ad, it shows a stack of creative tools and imaginative objects being crushed in a giant press.

Sonny and Cher sing "All I Ever Need is You" as the device destroys some of the most beautiful objects a creative person could ever hope to have, or see: a trumpet, camera lenses, an upright piano, paints, a metronome, a clay maquette, a wooden anatomical reference model, vinyl albums, a framed photo, and most disturbingly (because they suggest destructive violence against children's toys, and against the child in all of us) a ceramic Angry Birds figure and a stack of rubber emoji balls.

. . . Considering how many smart people work at Apple, and the sheer number of names and titles that had to have been involved in the chain of decisions that results in an ad like this being unveiled, one has to assume not that nobody thought about this stuff, but that they did and were too smug to care.

You can tell from the ad. It's celebratory, in the worst way.

It doesn't just say, reductively and falsely, "If you have this new device, which is really not too different from any other Apple iPad, just thinner, you'll never need anything else to be creative" (though I'm sure it's loaded with Gen AI plagiarism tools; everything is now).

No. It says, "All these beautiful objects and materials and tools that allowed humans to make art, or that inspired art, are being destroyed, smashed, pulped, to feed the tech industry."

Or, alternately, "If you have any of this stuff, take it to the dump, because we're gonna make sure there's no place for it in modern life anymore."