Read Acts 7:43
What is the Star of Remphan?
Understand Acts 7
Read Revelation 3:9
Who is the synagogue of Satan- khazarians?
Hebrews 7
Jesus is the high priest.
Only a Levi can be high priest.
He's not a priest of the Levitical order.
His bloodline is of the tribe of Judah.
His order of priesthood is not.
When exactly were the future promises made to Israel by God fulfilled? Honest question.
Some in Jesus' first coming. The rest will be at His second.
Define "israel"
Read Acts 7:43 What is the Star of Remphan? Understand Acts 7
Read Revelation 3:9 Who is the synagogue of Satan- khazarians?
Hebrews 7 Jesus is the high priest. Only a Levi can be high priest. He's not a priest of the Levitical order. His bloodline is of the tribe of Judah. His order of priesthood is not.
Define Israel