That connection in the top left is a huuuuge stretch. And I’m not even sure what’s being pointed out on the right half of the page.
The system I follow when assessing whether there’s a genuine symbolic connection is to compare the number and significance of each naturally shared element to the number and significance of viewer-introduced changes/additions needed to get from one picture to the other.
Similarities: curve, pointed bit. (both very common things to have.)
Changes/additions: splitting the arrow into its point/head and its curve. Rotating the curve. Triplicating the curve. Removing the design elements on the curve- but keeping the halfway mark.
I could make a stick figure with the same number of arbitrary manipulations you used to get to the candlestick thing. This is not a significant symbolic connection. Unless you’re trying to say all semicircles are evil? In which case, please seek help.
That connection in the top left is a huuuuge stretch. And I’m not even sure what’s being pointed out on the right half of the page.
The system I follow when assessing whether there’s a genuine symbolic connection is to compare the number and significance of each naturally shared element to the number and significance of viewer-introduced changes/additions needed to get from one picture to the other.
Similarities: curve, pointed bit. (both very common things to have.) Changes/additions: splitting the arrow into its point/head and its curve. Rotating the curve. Triplicating the curve. Removing the design elements on the curve- but keeping the halfway mark.
I could make a stick figure with the same number of arbitrary manipulations you used to get to the candlestick thing. This is not a significant symbolic connection. Unless you’re trying to say all semicircles are evil? In which case, please seek help.