No I mean how come you seem to be able to say this kind of stuff, but when I, er rather other people that shall remain nameless, do they're called a shill and banned? Had to fight to get this unbanned. Now the backup accounts are banned.
Not sure, I never "attack" anyone unless they attack me first. Everything I present I bring receipts and evidence to verify what I am saying. I know certain users are (them) and I could go harder, as is my MO on /pol/, but here we follow a different decorum.
I have a shit-ton of knowledge around Q because I was there from before Day 1. I am more valuable to the movement posting information than I am arguing with them with them or doing things to get myself banned. 8kun/8chan/4chan are octagon, here it is more like sparring.
BTW in your opinion, based on what you know, would you say Q is a completely planned-out psyop, or more like a very advanced maybe mil intelligence that has perception way beyond ours (or maybe that's the same thing).
You can say anything about anyone.
Speaking "hate" is really the only effective means to bridge the gap between two opposing parties. We must be able to express our disgust w one another no matter how ill-informed or accurate that information is.
Where free speech doesn't protect you is w a call to action. Bc of A we should X. That is how you get banned.
Calling out shills for shilling for the tribe of Judah, that's just low hanging fruit ..... hehe
No I mean how come you seem to be able to say this kind of stuff, but when I, er rather other people that shall remain nameless, do they're called a shill and banned? Had to fight to get this unbanned. Now the backup accounts are banned.
Not sure, I never "attack" anyone unless they attack me first. Everything I present I bring receipts and evidence to verify what I am saying. I know certain users are (them) and I could go harder, as is my MO on /pol/, but here we follow a different decorum.
I have a shit-ton of knowledge around Q because I was there from before Day 1. I am more valuable to the movement posting information than I am arguing with them with them or doing things to get myself banned. 8kun/8chan/4chan are octagon, here it is more like sparring.
Much respect, fellow frog 🙏
BTW in your opinion, based on what you know, would you say Q is a completely planned-out psyop, or more like a very advanced maybe mil intelligence that has perception way beyond ours (or maybe that's the same thing).
If I tell you what I think you'll think I am crazy. Research Quantum Entangled Communications.
So an AI powered by a quantum computer? I wondered about that. Its syntax also reminds me of the Cicada 3301 puzzles.
Free speech isn't that tricky.
You can say anything about anyone. Speaking "hate" is really the only effective means to bridge the gap between two opposing parties. We must be able to express our disgust w one another no matter how ill-informed or accurate that information is.
Where free speech doesn't protect you is w a call to action. Bc of A we should X. That is how you get banned.
Calling out shills for shilling for the tribe of Judah, that's just low hanging fruit ..... hehe
Sounds good, but not true. Ask me how I know.
How old was the account?
I'm guessing the mods are becoming overwhelmed and inundated w shills?
Blanket bans are easy. Let the real ones fight to get back.
The longer you've been on here the less likely you are to get banned?
Idk what to tell u fren
58 months