Her response to this nightmare was far more uplifting than mine would have been.
Her response to this nightmare was far more uplifting than mine would have been.
My mother and her friend developed clots three years after the first dose.
Very sorry to hear that.
Thanks for that.
If I were an evil, mad scientist I would put different things in different batches and watch the population to see what would happen. Under the emergency act, they could change up to 49% of the ingredients without asking permission or telling anyone they had done that. Heck, they could do anything they wanted and they probably did.
This was the worst blow to humanity in the history of the world. Time will tell how this all plays out.
Blessings, fren
I don't remember hearing that about the emergency act; wow. And in any case, I agree that "they could do anything they wanted and they probably did."
I'm stunned that not ONE of the top-line perps have been arrested or even charged with anything at this point, despite the growing mountain of evidence.
Yes. It makes me sick. People are getting the shot at this very moment. No one of prominence has revealed the killer jab.
People think whoever found snake venom in the jab were crazy. I've heard about that more than once. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was snake venom in some of the batches.
Here's a personal doodle from Fauci from 2020. Apparently people use this template to pick winning teams in sports.
He chose the Corona virus: