We wrestle not against flesh and blood. What needs to be learned is discerning whats is from God and what is a counterfeit from the devil. The devil counterfeits all good and he wraps it up in a little bit of truth. We don't choose between good and evil, we are given a choice between good or best. GODS WAY being best. If you know God then you know His Way is His Son the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. There is nothing the Roman idolaters can add of any profit.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. What needs to be learned is discerning whats is from God and what is a counterfeit from the devil. The devil counterfeits all good and he wraps it up in a little bit of truth. We don't choose between good and evil, we are given a choice between good or best. GODS WAY being best. If you know God then you know His Way is His Son the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. There is nothing the Roman idolaters can add of any profit.
"There is nothing the Roman idolaters can add of any profit."
Except the canonization of the 27 books of the New Testament at the Council of Rome in 382?
"What have the Romans ever done for us?" -John Cleese