We often talk about people reaching, "the precipice."
The precipice is not a precipice; not a singular thing. It is different for everyone.
What drives us to insist on something better is to come to the realization that our current circumstances are not acceptable.
There are ugly things that need to see the light of day. Everyone needs to come to that moment when they are fed up.
Everyone reaches that moment for different reasons, but everyone will reach that moment.
Instead of making us powerless, reaching a precipice makes us powerful. We decide to act instead of being acted upon.
The noise is getting hard to bear, but in the end, those who have the courage to say enough is enough and act to affect change will find the outcome to be incredibly uplifting.
We are sovereign souls, the children of God Almighty. Our joy is to be found in using our free will to act in ways that elevate us. Sometimes we just have to be pushed out of the nest before we decide to fly.
Many people are reaching their precipice. It is nearing time to soar.
Stay comfy.
Martin Geddes
I dunno, the precipice that is talked about, is it one for the normies or one for the swampies?
God does not want anyone to go to hell, he wants as many bad people as possible to see the light and repent before the precipice comes into sight, the Lord Jesus did not come here to save the righteous but to save the wicked.
Martin Geddes is fond of grandiose statements that portray himself as some sort of spokesman, which he isn't. I wish him well though, but he very could be on the make. Be careful, fine words butter no parsnips.