...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Does Psalm 8:4 reference Christ?
Can two innocent parties of divorce be married?
Who is the woman of Revelation 12? Where is she? Who are her children?
Why did the blind man in John 9 have to suffer being blind from birth since neither he nor his parents were guilty of sin?
How does the restoration of Israel relate to the resurrection of Israel in Ezekiel?
How can God condemn millions who have never heard the gospel?
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Think About This Instead
When you wake up during the night seasons, what do you think about, friends? Do you begin to worry about the next day? Oh, I do a lot of that. But it’s wonderful, sometimes, to just turn Him on at night when you are thinking about these things because that’s exactly what Paul was talking about over in the fourth chapter of Philippians when he says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true (that’s Christ), whatsoever things are honest (that’s Christ), whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good, of good report or of excellence; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.” Meditate upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
Daily Promises
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that [pertain] unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:3-4)
His beautiful excellence draws us near and grants us many promises that we may be fashioned into His superior character and likeness. As believers of Christ, we have been washed of our transgressions and set apart from the ever-present evil world. Through our knowledge of the everlasting Father, we are granted these most precious promises!
Earnestly Waiting For God
My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. — Psalm 130:6
Earnestly waiting on God is never easy. But we have the promise that He will never leave us or forsake us.
Casting Pods
NATO & Ukraine Inc. Capture Chasov Yar and win war...The Duran Podcast
USA & Israel defy world in vote to make Palestine full UN member...Geopolitical Economy Report
Jill Stein SPEAKS OUT About RFK, Arrest And More!...Sabby Sabs Podcast
You Won't BELIEVE Who's Buying Up BITCOIN!!! Dr. Steve Turley
The Neil Oliver Show - Friday 10th May 2024
Dog Woo
The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.
Milton Friedman
Preparedness Notes for Saturday — May 11, 2024
The “Separate and Distinct” Nature of Biowarfare...Pfizer whistleblower email provides documentary evidence of “separate and distinct” mRNA injections for employees compared to the general public.
The People Setting America on Fire
Smells Like ‘68: Foreboding Parallels for Democrats in 2024
1970s Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme Compared U.S. Crimes in Vietnam to those of the Nazis and then was Assassinated Under Mysterious Circumstances
The Machinery of Fascism Revisited
The Latent Fascism of Today’s Anti-Fascists
Today's Wins
1 Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now
2 Todd Zywicki - Government Weaponization: My Testimony to the House
3 Democrat Voter Triage
4 Voting Shenanigans in Michigan
5 Jack Smith Admits to Misleading Judge, Case Forced to Go on Indefinite Hiatus
6 Architect of Senate GOP Comeback Plan Reveals Two Decisive 2024 Picks
7 The essentials of a new Trump administration
8 The emperor has no clothes -- and the public doesn't like what it sees
9 Ann Coulter - Police Officer Stuck in BLM Nightmare
10 How to lose billions on EVs
11 James Lindsay and Logan Lancing Expose the Truth Behind Queer Theory
12 The Proof of Censorship is…Censored
13 Theodore Dalrymple - Out, Damned Overactors!
14 Stoking the Fire: A Writer Pays Tribute to His Mother Who Inspired a Lifelong Love of Learning
Look What The Dog Dragged In
15 Remembering Nixon the golden statesman
16 Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito Issue Warnings About State of America
17 Democrat Plant in GOP Congressional Primary Panders to Jew-Hating Islamists
18 Moon Of Alabama - Ukraine SitRep: The 'Sanitary Zone' On The Northern Border With Russia
19 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - Using A Fictional Antisemitism Crisis To Support A Real Genocide
20 As Rafah Invasion Looms, Students and Workers Boost Solidarity & Resistance
21 LAPD’s Failure to Protect Peaceful Protesters at UCLA from Right-Wing Mob Shows Real Priorities
22 Why China Has Little Reason To Trust the U.S.
23 ‘Drain the Swamp’
24 Strong Economy? Think Again
25 That ’70s Show — Is Biden Taking America Back to the Age of Jimmy Carter?
26 DACODAI Avoids Public Criticism
27 How Gender Ideology Breeds Toxic Law
28 Taki - Prussian Prose
29 The Missing ‘Ghost Train’ of Louisiana’s Bayou Des Allemands
Health Briefs...Unleashed
30 The “Separate and Distinct” Nature of Biowarfare...Pfizer whistleblower email provides documentary evidence of “separate and distinct” mRNA injections for employees compared to the general public.
31 Covid is Not a Specific Disease
32 The Predictable Wastes of Covid Relief
33 Censorship in Medicine is Nothing New
34 Urgent Pandemic Messaging of WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with Their Evidence Base
35 Public Health by Way of the Surveillance State
36 Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin
37 Congress’ Unscientific Spillover
38 Emergency Management of Severe Bleeding in Dogs
39 The Best Tourniquets- A Research Review
40 Is Silicone Bakeware Safe?
41 Three Americans became infected with mycobacterium abscessus after receiving stem cell treatments in Mexico, according to the CDC.
42 Natural Ways to Fight Against the COVID ‘FLiRT’ Variants
43 Managing Menopause for Longevity - Hormone Expert Talk With Dr. Dana Churchill,
44 Improve Your Physical and Psychological Health With This Simple Lymphatic Drainage Routine
45 An homage to Dr. Paul McHugh, a beneficent giant of psychiatry
46 Tacos Al Pastor
47 Chef Jenn Crovato shares a recipe for Rum-Soaked Cake one of her most-loved desserts, while giving full credit where it’s due: her mom.
The Best Of American Thinker
48 Open or concealed carry?
49 Swiss Army Knives … without the knives?
50 The Free World
51 Democrats believe in miraculous money
52 Not since Evita
53 Meme By Anonymous
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
54 'Why Would I Get My Wife A Mother's Day Gift, She's Not My Mom,' Says Dead Man
55 Diary Entry Reveals Luther Started Reformation Just Cause He Got Sick Of Filet o' Fish Every Friday
56 Woman Somehow Able To Feel God's Love Without Writing Lengthy Instagram Post About It
57 Jesus's Parents Realize He's Divine As He Completes Carpentry Project Without Going Back To Home Depot A Single Time
58 'The Jews Killed Christ!' Says Man Whose Sin Killed Christ
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents... Happy Mother's Day
1 Bossy Baby Beaver Demands Bottle, Wrestles Plushies
2 Spicy Cat Hates Family's Bestie - Progress Comes
3 Moms and Pets
4 Screaming Sunset And Other Loud Cats
5 You Have Been Chosen By The Momma Cat
6 Crying Momma Cat Asks For Help With Kitten
7 Girl Tricks Mom Into Getting Dog, Now Mom Is Dog's Favorite
8 Daisy The Dog Reveals Her Maternal Instincts By Caring For Kittens
9 Chihuahua's Nightly Care Routine Helps Mom Prepare For New Baby
10 Momma Cat Paired With Kittens Dropped Off At A Shelter Alone
11 Human Mom In The News...Mom Delivers Quadruplets One In Seventy Million- Twin Boys and Twin Girls
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 The Occult Tesla...Thomas Huxley’s War on the Soul and the Rise of Social Imperialism
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon May 11th — Evening Reading
"Only be thou strong and very courageous." — Joshua 1:7
Our God's tender love for His servants makes Him concerned for the state of their inward feelings. He desires them to be of good courage. Some esteem it a small thing for a believer to be vexed with doubts and fears, but God thinks not so. From this text it is plain that our Master would not have us entangled with fears. He would have us without carefulness, without doubt, without cowardice. Our Master does not think so lightly of our unbelief as we do. When we are desponding we are subject to a grievous malady, not to be trifled with, but to be carried at once to the beloved Physician. Our Lord loveth not to see our countenance sad. It was a law of Ahasuerus that no one should come into the king's court dressed in mourning: this is not the law of the King of kings, for we may come mourning as we are; but still He would have us put off the spirit of heaviness, and put on the garment of praise, for there is much reason to rejoice. The Christian man ought to be of a courageous spirit, in order that he may glorify the Lord by enduring trials in an heroic manner. If he be fearful and fainthearted, it will dishonour his God. Besides, what a bad example it is. This disease of doubtfulness and discouragement is an epidemic which soon spreads amongst the Lord's flock. One downcast believer makes twenty souls sad. Moreover, unless your courage is kept up Satan will be too much for you. Let your spirit be joyful in God your Saviour, the joy of the Lord shall be your strength, and no fiend of hell shall make headway against you: but cowardice throws down the banner. Moreover, labour is light to a man of cheerful spirit; and success waits upon cheerfulness. The man who toils, rejoicing in his God, believing with all his heart, has success guaranteed. He who sows in hope shall reap in joy; therefore, dear reader, "be thou strong, and very courageous."