Also the issue of being able to find a good woman to have kids with - as a young man, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning 7 times in a row.
Every contemporary western woman is deranged and likely lost. One would be a fool to enter the viper’s nest at this point. And I say this as a single, 34-year-old man.
I got lucky and stumbled my now wife but I know how you feel. I hate when people just blame men. Yeah there are Chads and Tyrones but women as a group are casting aside good men who would take care of them to get railed by deadbeat Chad’s and Tyrone’s who don’t give a fuck about them.
If I was in my early 20’s I would either be a Passport bro or just not give a fuck and live life.
It actually annoys the hell out of me that tradcucks keep blaming men. No feminism, social media and dating apps destroyed women (as a group). Women are either getting railed or “too focused on their careers”.
This is one thing Q has not talked about. We can remove the deep state and what not but if women are allowed to be whores then society will still collapse.
I’m pretty young-looking and in shape with good energy (/brag) so I routinely pass for mid-late 20s at bars which is nice.
However, I just learned about the passport bro thing. I’m heavily considering that, but I also know simply being a man nowadays paints a target on my back for vultures.
If you do and end up in SEA, understand that there is an expectation to be a provider not only for her, but her family. Make good with them and they'll help stabilise your marriage and encourage reconciliation and working theough hardships.
Also, stay overseas, bringing your wife back to the West is a recipe for the rot to infect her.
Also the issue of being able to find a good woman to have kids with - as a young man, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning 7 times in a row.
Every contemporary western woman is deranged and likely lost. One would be a fool to enter the viper’s nest at this point. And I say this as a single, 34-year-old man.
I’m so fucked. So are millions of other men.
I got lucky and stumbled my now wife but I know how you feel. I hate when people just blame men. Yeah there are Chads and Tyrones but women as a group are casting aside good men who would take care of them to get railed by deadbeat Chad’s and Tyrone’s who don’t give a fuck about them.
If I was in my early 20’s I would either be a Passport bro or just not give a fuck and live life.
It actually annoys the hell out of me that tradcucks keep blaming men. No feminism, social media and dating apps destroyed women (as a group). Women are either getting railed or “too focused on their careers”.
This is one thing Q has not talked about. We can remove the deep state and what not but if women are allowed to be whores then society will still collapse.
Bring back the patriarchy.
I’m pretty young-looking and in shape with good energy (/brag) so I routinely pass for mid-late 20s at bars which is nice.
However, I just learned about the passport bro thing. I’m heavily considering that, but I also know simply being a man nowadays paints a target on my back for vultures.
If you do and end up in SEA, understand that there is an expectation to be a provider not only for her, but her family. Make good with them and they'll help stabilise your marriage and encourage reconciliation and working theough hardships.
Also, stay overseas, bringing your wife back to the West is a recipe for the rot to infect her.