To be honest with you, I have a few young women in my circle. My daughters and the girls she grew up with (I'm still friends with the parents). Add in her some of her current friends and co workers and thats quite a few. All in the mid to late 20s. Then add in those with separate relationships with my son and or direct family and you have Maybe 25? Anyway i see two trends.
One: Usually there is no marriage. This doesn't stop them from having kids. Multiples if the family has less money or prospects
Two: Those that are successful with school, marriage or work avoid kids.
When you get down to it this same group of woman have a total of 5 children with two on the way.
Make of it what you will. What is your experience?
In my family, there are 3 sets of cousins between 25 -30 that all grew up together. There are two girls and five boys so 7 total. Of those 7 only two are married. The two that are married each have one child. So 7 young adults of prime age and only 2 babies. It's a little scary to be honest.
To be honest with you, I have a few young women in my circle. My daughters and the girls she grew up with (I'm still friends with the parents). Add in her some of her current friends and co workers and thats quite a few. All in the mid to late 20s. Then add in those with separate relationships with my son and or direct family and you have Maybe 25? Anyway i see two trends. One: Usually there is no marriage. This doesn't stop them from having kids. Multiples if the family has less money or prospects Two: Those that are successful with school, marriage or work avoid kids. When you get down to it this same group of woman have a total of 5 children with two on the way. Make of it what you will. What is your experience?
In my family, there are 3 sets of cousins between 25 -30 that all grew up together. There are two girls and five boys so 7 total. Of those 7 only two are married. The two that are married each have one child. So 7 young adults of prime age and only 2 babies. It's a little scary to be honest.
Oh and the unmarried childless ones seem to have no plans for marriage any time soon.