posted ago by CriticalThinking4Me ago by CriticalThinking4Me +79 / -0

Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche finished strong today.

Right before the lunch break he showed Cohen text messages to Keith Schiller who was Trump's bodyguard and worked in Security. The texts were at the same time as phone call where Cohen said Schiller handed his phone to Trump, but the texts were about a completely different subject

Trump's lawyer Blanche: You lied about this. You said you didn't remember the harassing phone calls - now you claim that in the one minute and 36 seconds call you spoke about the harasser and Stormy Daniels

Cohen: Could have been Blanche: Not what you said Tuesday Starts about here.


Trump's lawyer Blanche: You lied about this. You said you didn't remember the harassing phone calls - now you claim that in the one minute and 36 seconds call you spoke about the harasser and Stormy Daniels Cohen: Could have been Blanche: Not what you said Tuesday