My brain's exploding.
"FYI, the Hang In There poster is in the show as well. It's when Angela is being tested by wh1tr0se
The shows entire plot overall is about going after the "top 1% of the 1%, the guys who play god without permission"
Here are two clips that I immediately relate to the GME saga
Ep. 1 - The monologue -
Finale Spoilers - Titled "Robin Hood" -"
Here's a taste of some more from the show. There are lots you can go through.
Darlene Exposes The Deus Group | Mr. Robot
Hacking The Bank Accounts Of The Richest People In The World | Mr. Robot
Elliot Plays eXit | Mr. Robot (This is to disarm the meltdown, RoaringKitty referred to this.)
Also, Elon just "All core systems are now on" at 2am this morning May 17th
Here me out... RoaringKitty knows everyone is expecting a 8pm clip to be dropped, but he just posted a goodbye clip at 4pm....
Now that all core systems are on X for this last day, maybe there will be a drop at 8pm exposing our own Deus Group?
Edit: Phew no 8pm video, I can relax thank goodness lol
Edit2: Props to this anon
Some slack in the calculating. Usually it is average of the bid and ask price. But end up w fractions of penny so some could round up or down to nearest penny.