Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens And “Apparitions”?
Prior Post on Aliens.
“Q Are we alone ? Roswell ?” “No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space.”; A DEEP DARK WORLD is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone.”, “The GreatAwakening”Q.👁👀🥺comments https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWv3P/q-are-we-alone--roswell--no-high/
DJT knowledge about ETs, and MJ12. Separate post below:
“This is not another 4 YEAR election…. "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC… Q”; “…for the first time in DECADES we have finally elected a COMMANDER IN CHIEF who can DRAIN THE SWAMP and open the stars to the world.”MJ12 👁👀🥺comments
Can you confirm all of these people are members?
Donald J Trump
General Flynn
Joseph Dunford
James Mattis
William Barr
Patrick Shanahan
Paul Selva
Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.
Reply. !(not) PS.
COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM
Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.
COMMENT. I do. Yet disinformation is...
Reply. This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.
Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE
Mattis is clean.
Mattis is on MJ-12.
Majestic Flynn.
Don't recall the Vatican saying anything about aliens. Apparitions are not aliens.
Yeah, you would think on a Q board where people have read and recited "it's going to be biblical" turn to aliens so fast and for no reason.
The Vatican starts telling me about apparition I'm wondering if this is the Vatican saying "Yes, you will see demons soon"
Exactly my thoughts. I'm imagining a world where seeing demons becomes normal. We already know they're all around us. It would be like those scenes in Ghostbusters 2 when there ghosts and ghouls appearing all around NYC, fueled by the pink slime river. In our case, it may be CERN and Satanists fueling it.