You know your a leftie when you focus on race. If that was a 60 yr old white illegal alien it changes nothing. The fact they think race is how you know all you need to know.
How about realizing this is a distraction. His policies are complete and total marxism. Thats the threat he poses. If he lied, so be it. The real problem is everything he has done while in office.
Fox doing the orange thing again
How do these people pass the psyc test? How?!?!?
Considering how much of the economy runs off the now uber bloated government. Thats not an easy thing to accomplish without being a major exporter.
So whats is take on mandatory vaccination again?
Did she fill her tank with diesel?
Maybe it is an inevitability. Maybe thats the point. No reason to think that anything in the hands of the corrupt wont become corrupted. All his creations included.
Ill repeat this for all the doom people seem to run into when things like this are said. The US is primary consumer for most of the world. Dollar collapse and US economy collapse will collapse the rest of the world if we arent buying their things. Where is India after all this happens? China? Taiwan? Malaysia? Pakistan? They all depend greatly on US consumption. Without it they all go broke and all starve.
And decades from now once Elon is gone and some corrupt people get ahold of what he has built. What then? People seem to feel fine ignoring the beast he is creating over some false beliefe he is some savior
Would make this election cycle even more interesting. And would be a great way to close out the movie. A triumphant return!
that at least 10yd of cloth... just on the sleeves
It aint just that. Any crooked government persons need to be gone. Fed destroyed. 5th branch of government defanged. Crooked political judges removed. Food and water supply fixed. The entire healthcare industry fixed, schools fixed, the attack on white Christianity stopped. There is a lot more but most of all the awakening of the masses to the truth of all that.
Interesting. Almost like they are part of the plan.
Where there are criminals and people unwilling to prosecute, there is a way.
those who are ready to get sacrificed for our country? Am I reading that wrong?
I bet a lot of money it has a LOT to do with soy. Not joking. Soy or soy byproduct in everything. Drs pushing soy based baby formula instead of breast feeding. All the food crazes containig soy. Soy overuse in cooking oils.
The DOJ even stepping into that arena should tell everyone the circle of traitors is much smaller these days.
Dont look like a win to me. Looks like they are still going to pander to the rainbow. They just staye they never had hiring quotas. Which they did have for their suppliers. The rest is jargon for "the person that made the decision will still be making the decisions"
The left will have to have one of their own tell them its a fact. Even then they might lose their shit.
Maybe he has a nice story about how the Jews helped burn their own people.
She fucked up. Its for "allegations" cant prevent it if there is PROOF"
Hahahaha. Bad part is they are still enterained by it. Not because its true. But solely because they like to imagine things. Like, imagining that Patriots got mad over that. I can hear the Beavis and Butthead skit now. "he he, hehe. Yeah, like. I bet their really mad and stuff. We should do more of that"
thank you. First time I have ever watched a Kim Clement video completely. I cannot belive anyone listens to that guy. Essentially pressing people to put their faith in him, tie that losely to scripture, just before he tells them to give him money. And if they do its pleasing to God.
Also makes ballots that get dated or cast beforehand suspicious by nature