I saw an "opportunistic" article posted online urging people to not drink raw milk as they might get bird flu from it... which I thought most people would shrug off as obvious propaganda against raw milk, but I saw it posted in earnest elsewhere so I decided to post this here
Raw milk has a lot of alleged health benefits; the author makes the ridiculous plea for "no one to drink raw milk for any reason"...
Please don’t drink raw milk at any time, especially not now
The problem with pasteurization, as with antibiotics, is the process also kills good nutrients like antibiotics kills good bacteria
So by drinking raw milk you can get the good nutrients without them being destroyed. I know of dairy farmers who would drink pretty much straight from the cow without getting sick. The milk tastes totally different (better, a lot of people think)
The elderly or children or sickly might avoid drinking raw milk, but otherwise it's a healthy consideration for a lot of people
Example pro-raw-milk article: https://www.rawmilkinstitute.org/updates/letter-to-medical-professionals-about-raw-milk
Numerous scientific studies have shown that raw milk is correlated with decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, otitis, fever, and respiratory infections. Raw milk also aids in recovery from antibiotic use, and provides many gut-healthy probiotics and enzymes.
Here's the biased fearmongering article in contrast: https://gizmodo.com/raw-milk-sales-up-bird-flu-h5n1-tiktok-usda-cdc-fda-1851476916
I saw some raw milk, in an antique store of all places (that particular vendor had a small glass refrigerator with other farm fresh products in it). The only way they could legally sell it was to put "not for human consumption"in big books letters on the containers.
We get ours from Dutch Meadow Farms. Best milk we've ever had and from the very best cows. Every time someone new comes over we have to drink milk in front of them - force a red pill. DMF products read " For cats and dogs only " on the label. They look at us like we're drinking bleach every time.
I've always been baffled by those that think raw milk is dangerous. Did they think we just threw away the raw milk before pasteurization was invented?